
Great post. I’m sure this resonates with many of us. Thanks for putting this 


Dave Smith
Reel Deals

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 22, 2023, at 8:11 PM, David Kusumoto <davidmkusum...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Bruce Hershenson won't retire until at least Dec. 2025

Bruce Hershenson commits to running eMoviePoster through 2025.

(EDIT: While Bruce posted a portion of his announcement a little while ago - 
here's what I was drafting after getting eMoviePoster's latest comprehensive 
email that was sent separately to collectors and consignors about his 
operations. The following is just my opinion, not necessarily factual.)


For the first time, Bruce Hershenson, 70, has committed to a date that he says 
he'll continue to run the company he built 33 years ago. That date is 30 months 
from now (December 31, 2025).

While his statement is not etched in stone and acknowledges that he could 
change his mind, in my view, the announcement does three (3) things, in no 
particular order:

1) It gives him the option to exit the business - depending upon how he feels 
at the end of 2025, when he will be 73 years old.

2) It reveals a strong marketing incentive to alert collectors / dealers of a 
certain age - that he plans to accept consignments over the next 2 1/2 years, 
barring health or other unforeseen emergencies - and - if they have plans to 
eventually sell their collections via his consignment schedules / operations - 
that they should think seriously about this sooner rather than later. (His 
company only accepts items which have an individual retail value at or above 
$30.  Note: There is no longer any retail minimum $200-300 value requirement - 
per consignment "package / tube" received.  Each item must simply carry a 
retail value at or above $30.)

3) It confirms all of the hints he's made during the past 5-7 years - via his 
newsletters and on social media - about fearing chronic burn-out - while 
desiring to write his book and taking more vacations with family members - 
which had been near impossible until recently - because of gigantic workloads 
associated with curating, assembling, invoicing, shipping and maintaining the 
pace of his company's auctions - which at their peak - had been held three 
times a week, every week - instead of his company's current schedule of three 
times a week, every four weeks.

Salient quotes:

* "After 12/31/25 . . . .I MAY continue longer, or I MAY turn the business over 
to the employees, or I MAY look for a buyer for it, or I MAY close it down."

* "AFTER 30 months from now, do those of you with a house (or a warehouse) full 
of items have a "Plan B"?  And please don't tell me that your plan is to let 
your heirs worry about how to deal with your stuff after you are gone. That 
often works out terribly, and sometimes whole collections are literally 

* "Over and over the past few years, very long time collectors with huge 
collections have told me that "we need to have a talk one of these days" 
because they need to make a plan on how they will deal with their collection. 
That time has now come."

* "Maybe a new auction like ours will emerge down the line that offers a 
reasonable alternative to auctioning through us. I hope that occurs. But for 
right now, I feel that what I say above makes a massive amount of sense for 
those of you who are in an age bracket (or a point in your life or collecting) 
where you want and need to do something with your collection sooner than later."


Meanwhile, a personal note. While I never had a blue-chip collection of horror 
pieces or ultra-rare items - I once had a collection of very attractive titles 
- more than 99% of which I consigned to eMoviePoster. Many things go into the 
equation of deciding when is the "right time" to consign - including, in my 
case, advancing age and creeping health issues, intermittent cash flow 
concerns, aggravations over wildfire evacuations and the vulnerability of my 
collection going up in flames or drenched by burst pipes or floods - and - 
never wanting to leave anything on the table should I croak tomorrow.

But another REAL concern (for me) - which I brought up publicly in the past - 
was Bruce's impending retirement - freeing him up to do the things he talks 
about a lot when he's not talking about posters, e.g., vacations and writing 
his book. When he survived heart surgery many years ago - I surveyed the 
landscape and thought - there are few places that will accept the 
low-to-mid-range material I used to own, not just posters - but also my once 
vast lobby card and press kit collection which I rarely bring up here. In the 
nearly 30 years since MoPo began, so many names have come and gone - and I 
didn't want to be among the names with big estates to liquidate - by 
beneficiaries who don't share the same sentiment for the things I own or used 
to own.

This is why I no longer own the posters I used to say - that I would never 
relinquish. Other than one poster that isn't a five-figure blue-chipper that my 
wife remains irritated with me that I let out the door - I have no regrets. 
It's like a giant weight has been lifted off of my shoulders so I can relax. I 
still have a few "mid-range" items left, and Bruce will likely get those, but 
none of them are rare.


Right now I know a woman who has a collection of items which are NOT movie 
related - who is terminal.  The swiftness of unwanted realities entering our 
lives is harshly breathtaking, esp. when you think you have more time.  Now she 
is in a race against the clock with an undetermined end date that is 
nevertheless nearer to her than far - trying frantically to get her affairs in 
order so that her heirs won't have to.  She knows she's not going to make it 
but she is mad at herself for "putting things off" for so long - about things 
she cannot take with her.  She had hoped the currents would take her with fewer 
worries on her mind.  But I know what's going to happen as I've seen this movie 
before.  There is going to be a point when she will stop caring and will let 
her kids fight over what doesn't get done.  And trust me, this is something her 
kids, whether they get along with each or not - are not looking forward to. -d.










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