hello Folks here is my labor day blabber on the whole USA situation IMHO

i am so screwed up i have no idea whats up or down.. amen?? am i alone?

I am firmly trusting God has this all worked outas jesus said in scripture..I am sure our leaders are inthe same boat as me... Diane Feinstien and mitch Oconnael sem tobe in vapor lock of stress... yet Biden and trump seem like they are so motivated towin they dont want to stop..what confounds me is itslike no political leaders have positive words on either side and both are at war with each other//Thank God ther mare a few that seem to be willing to work together.. wheni was 5 my nana took me to se John F Kennedy speak at the Lucas county courthouse in Toledo... i remember the crowd was in unison of positive..theywere all pumped and i have no idea what he said as i was just 5 but everyone was in support of him the blade newspaper has a pic ofthat day online Toledo Blade 1960 Kennedy in Toledo..Its justas I rememberit a few years later on Nov 222 or 23 I was in school when the teacher came in crying and said you can go home our Presidnt has been shot!! Grandmother and I watched Walter Cronkite on CBS News for the whole funeral it was like three days that was the first traumatic episode I remember as a youth

So all I can say is I pray for all the leaders of all nations to come to their senses and if they don't I believe god will take care of all this mess

I support all the unions and trades unions I was actually a musicians union booking agent when I was a booking agent so I believe in fear pay for all the creative arts and people in the entertainment industry

I also am a supporter of intellectual property protection as far as copyrights trademarks and patents I'm also very sensitive about the ecology and I wish there was more programs to protect the oceans and waterways from being dumped trash like plastic bottles and plastic materials because it's affecting the ocean in a big way I would like to see them harvest the plastic and recycle it or turn it into another product like they do with rubber tires where they use it to do paving on the streets and also using playgrounds for children also they can take the plastic and make plastic lumber that can be used in building materials Arnold Schwarzenegger is held summits in Austria to address pollution and the ecology and I think that's really good it's just such an overwhelming mess because everybody would have to agree on it and all work towards the same solutions this would apply to energy oil and all are natural resources like wood and the minerals that they are mining now to make such things as batteries and lithium batteries and other batteries for the electric cars

My dream is like Martin Luther King stream I would like to see all people get along with each other into racism and prejudice against any culture or religion I believe we should embrace Muslims Christians Hindus Jewish and Buddhist alike Also this Internet stuff is just gone crazy getting emails from Paul McCartney, Yoko Ono, and Ringo Starr I'm pretty sure they were all just hackers trying to get me to do something but just in case it was really one of them contacting me I suggested that this October 9, 2023 Yoko come to Toledo with Paul and Ringo and we have a birthday party for John Lennon at the Toledo art museum and they could show some of their artwork and have a impromptu small concert celebrating John's birthday is Yoko is 90 years old now and Paul and Ringo are like 81 and 83 so I don't know how many more times we can go around the sun while everyone's in halfway decent health so I suggested they have a birthday party they could even have a small exhibit of some of their artwork and I figure if one of them is real who has been writing me that they will get in contact with me and we could make it happen by October 9 John's birthday if not it's kind of fun because I think I'm driving the hackers in computer geeks crazy with my streaming consciousness theories this is where I feel God is directing me to do his work in of all people on the planet Christ said he came to save the planet not to condemn it and so I can see how all through the Bible he picks the least likely people to do his work which defies logic I've never wanted to be a politician or a preacher or anything I barely wanted to sell movie memorabilia I was actually trying to get a record deal back in 1976 from my music but I figure if I can be of any help to anybody then I'm doing what God told me to do which is forgive everybody and help everybody you can that being said I've tried my best to help people on mopo when they are in need of help

Update to my house I went and saw my primary care doctor in my blood sugar is it seven it was it 6.1 but she wanted me to get a little bit more and 100 to 130 range I see the foot doctor next Friday and if I get the all clear for the wound being healed then I can start wearing the prosthetic and practice walking I have not walked in Bennington wheelchair since February 2021 so it's been a lot of praying and waiting never ask God to do my request but I asked him to do his will whatever he deems the prudent thing to do figure if he wants me to heal he wants me to continue selling movie memorabilia or something else I'll let him steer me in the right direction pray for my son and forgive him for the things he did in the last few years it turns out that he has bipolar depression and schizophrenia and is taking medication for guy really stressed out over seeing his dad go through near death several times I can't imagine what it did to him mentally but I pray for him and he started telling me some of the stuff I've told him is starting to make sense to him

Other than that the city of Toledo gave me a grant after my basement flooded while I was in the hospital and after I was told I didn't have flood insurance by the insurance company they gave me a small settlement so I can restore my basement and also I'm planning on getting a tree cut in my front yard also while I was in the hospital the city of Toledo called me said my name was chosen to receive a new ROOF about 10K value..you need t be OL Broke and disabled you be elegable Ilive on 100 a month my house payment is 600 I live on 1000.00 I get food help so i paymy utilities in advance to stay on topof costs..i pay the water, Gas and electric in advancei payed extra escrow to hedge against debt..i paid my po box upa year.filed Hollywood dream factory® sales tax and been slowly trying to do house repairs...i had my kitchen sink plumbing fixed and my ac fixed and after my fridge died a social service group gave me a new Ge fridge....I gave my 2006Toyota matrix to my son Tommy andso my insurance for house sent me a bill since i dropped that car from 454 last year to 850 sayingitwas because i could not geta bundle discount..so i cancelled my Insurance i was with them since the 1980s and they didnt tell me it would go up like double... i found anotheragency..513.00 with out car included.. so ive had many blessings..the tree hangs near my roof so its preemptive maintenance so it does not fall on my roof the basement was flooded ona wood floor sub-floor so its baby steps// thats my lesson from God --be patient be thankful and if i can help others in similar chaos help with Ideas advice etc... I am a master of screw ups like my family life,, business life, health and all but the grace of Jesus is what i am Johnny carson told a great joke///-guy goes tose his doc..he says hey doc will ilive to be 80?? doc says well do you smoke??? man relies no gave it up years ago..ok..well do you Drink?? man says no nota drop///OK well do you liketo Fool around with women??? man says not muchat all// so doc says tell me then why do you want to live to be 80?? :)\\\

I am a step away from a Monk... lol so i have no idea wher i am going but does anyone??? I am just thankful i got to experience whati have so thank you all... andifi do more... cool but iam notona marathon.. todayi ate some california roll sushi. had a apple and walnut salad.. a madarin orange, water anda breakfast burrito..anda banana... and i said thanks GGd...Its a little scary trusting god//but everything we do we trust so manypeople that we do not know either..once you see we are all guessing the best we can its a relief..andtheni sleepi listend to Mr Rogers books onletter kids wrote him//very soothing/// Jimmy Buffett died today its alitte sad but i look at it that he graduatede notinfinate death,,i believ we all se movie stars.familyand friends after this short life..and I hope tosee man y old opo pals when its my time like jim Episale Adrian cowdry, susan Olson and a few others that have graduated early...

God bless you all havea great holiday.. Peace and Love to all

Hollywood dream factory®
since 1977

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