*Did you know that if you have the right kind of collection, we can do a
single auction of just YOUR items?Over the years, we have had many long
time collectors consign a collection to us that was of one type or on one
theme, and we have often used those consignments to form the nucleus of a
section of one of our major auctions. Until 2016 we had always supplemented
such consignments with other consignments of the same type or theme, and
that had always worked out quite well.But in December 2016, French dealer
Dominique Besson consigned his wonderful collection of U.S. one-sheets to
us, and he asked that we auction it all on one day, and that we NOT include
other consignments of one-sheets with it. We agreed, and the auction was a
great success, with the 993 folded one-sheets selling for $292,562.00 (see
all the results HERE:
over the years since, we have had LOTS of these special auctions, including
most notably THREE giant auctions of limited edition Mondo art prints (two
of which came from the personal collection of Alamo Drafthouse/Mondo
founder, Tim League) and all of these special auctions of all kinds have
proven to be very successful, both for the consignors AND for the buyers
who were able to add great rarities to their collections!Why have lots of
collectors kept approaching us to do this? There are two main reasons. One
is that they get ALL those items auctioned in a single day! If someone were
to consign, say 1,000 single lobby cards to us to include with our regular
auctions, we could include around 100 to 200 of them each time we auction
single lobby cards (because we have lots of them from other consignors, and
we have to be fair to everyone), and since we do an auction of  single
lobby cards once each month on average, that means it would take five to
ten months for us to auction those 1,000 single lobby cards.But when they
are in their own special auction, we can do auction them all in a single
day, and for many collectors, they are auctioning their items to raise
money and that faster selling time is a big plus for them.The other reason
a collector might want a single auction of only their items is that doing
it that way insures there is a permanent online display of their collection
(as you can see at the links above). Many collectors assembled their
collection thinking they would someday publish a book showing it, but the
publishing business has been decimated by the Internet the past decade, and
it is unlikely a collector could find a publisher for their collection.But
by having a single auction of only their items, there IS a great online
record of their collection, so this too is a real incentive to want to have
such an auction.So if YOU think you might have the makings of a single
auction of only your items, please contact me (Bruce) right away, and if I
agree, we can schedule it soon, and in just a few months you can have that
collection sold, the proceeds in your pocket, and have the permanent online
record of your collection.But it has to make financial sense for us to do
it, and it has to be the right kind of collection. If you are wanting a
single "regular" auction, your items MUST have a realistic minimum selling
price of $100,000. If you are wanting a single section of a "major"
auction, then your items MUST have a realistic minimum over selling price
of $300,000.And it also depends on what type of items you have. If it is a
collection entirely based on a single star, then it is likely you will not
get better results by auctioning all the items at once, because you run the
risk of "flooding" the market.But let's talk! There is NO other auction
that could possibly even consider undertaking this, and of course even if
they could, they would not do nearly as well a job as we will. The ONLY
thing you have to do is get your collection to us, and we do all the rest!*

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