Thanks Tom, already been all over Alan lol

All the best.


Paul W. Hazen

> On Mar 14, 2024, at 12:28 AM, Tom Martin 
> <> wrote:
> That's a great question there is a buyer on Mopo that collects specifically 
> 2001 a space Odyssey who might be interested in it and I think he would give 
> it a good home as far as value I have no clue I think there is a section on 
> eBay for tickets and I've had many over the years I had the original screener 
> for ET back from 1982 and I also had tickets to a lot of TV shows like Johnny 
> Carson and I always would keep my movie stubs from movies I would've turned 
> myself just to remind me of the film and that I had seen it do you still 
> typically have piles of tickets in Los Angeles in the hotel rooms that they 
> will give you for free there's just like posters could be not bought or sold 
> you could not give away tickets to TV shows under FCC rulings I made the 
> mistake of having a contest to give away tickets to see the David Letterman 
> show in the 80s and round TV commercials and when I tried to get Bill Wendell 
> to do the voiceover David's manager who happens to also be Woody Allen's 
> agent and manager called me on the phone and told me I must've made a mistake 
> because I am not allowed to give away tickets to TV shows for advertise I had 
> already booked airfare for the tickets but luckily I put a disclaimer in the 
> ad that if we had an emergency beyond our control that everything would be 
> Nolan void so I actually had to go to the show myself with my brother and 
> watch David Letterman the night they had the band the stray cats were on I 
> didn't get to meet David but it was interesting because his secretary was the 
> one who said that I could give away the tickets and she done told me don't 
> let David's Manager because she could get in trouble so I didn't tell him 
> that she gave them to me and left her out of the whole thing and said I made 
> the mistake
> We had a very nice TV spot showing a limousine pulling up and then a plane 
> taking off for the airfare and then some nice pictures of the from the TV 
> show of David one of my big flops of my major history of mistakes and errors 
> in my 46 years I'm selling memorabilia when I first started advertising on 
> NBC local affiliate I was one of the first to advertise on the David 
> Letterman show when I can get a 30 second spot for $15 a spot Johnny Carson 
> on the other hand was $200 a spot back then I also advertised on Johnny 
> Carson and various other NBC shows when you do ROS it mean  they'll put the 
> spots in I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertising in the early 
> days I bought ads in Rolling Stone magazine and the globe and star login you 
> name many collectible magazines like from collectors world and comic buyers 
> guide in the toy shop  wherever they have an opening you could end up on a 
> late night show
> The residual effect of advertising for 46 years is that I still have people 
> phoned me every day from all over the world that just wanna talk about 
> collectibles is a free public service I tried to steer these people in the 
> right direction and I typically will send them to Heritage auction or Bruce 
> Hershenson movie poster for many of the people that I have met over the years 
> in the collectible industry some of them have passed away and some of them 
> have been changing venues or who they work for Prop store gray Smith I told a 
> woman the other day about the 10 Commandments props that there are having in 
> the in the prop store auction and hopefully she can bid on them and put them 
> in their collection so I'm always out there trying to advocate for all of you 
> because part of the
> the fun of being in the motion picture collectible business what is the 
> people that I've got to meet along the way many of them are old timers that 
> are now there is a changing of the guard and there's some sadness but then 
> there's also thankfulness
> As many of you know I believe that God has a big part of life matter fact all 
> of it and so I feel like I've been on a great learning experience yes I will 
> be 68 this year and I have no idea what God has planned for me next but I 
> trust it will be really good no matter what way I go I totally missed the 
> Oscars this year because I only use an antenna plugged into my TV and it 
> couldn't grab the ABC signal because of clouds and bad weather so I didn't 
> get to see any of it and I didn't even know it was on at 7 o'clock so at 9 
> o'clock I started asking around because I had NBC turned on that's like my go 
> to channel but I have not heard any buzz on anything I missed I think the 
> industry seems to be suffering greatly because of The pandemic
> It seems like people are hungry for good positive message films because 
> they've seen enough disasters in reality with Weather and wars and you name 
> it so if they can come out with some good positive films I think that will be 
> a good effort going forward I may go see Ghostbusters frozen movie that's 
> coming out soon and I still have not seen Steven Spielberg's movie that's 
> biographical and I never saw Tom Hanks Mr. Rogers movie which I wanted to see 
> also other than that I didn't see Oppenheimer but it sure sounds like that 
> was one of the winners that did well and sadly I haven't heard any buzz at 
> all about the new recent Raiders of the lost Ark movie it seem to have dismal 
> box office which was kind of sad to hear because I always like the Raiders of 
> the lost Ark franchise
> all the best Folks
> Tom
> Hollywood dream factory®
> since 1977
> ps i just got 7 audio books 1 and Judaism yes I'm very interested in the 
> Jewish faith and traditions and so I am studying and listening to these 
> audiobooks to learn the culture in history so far I can see why it dovetails 
> with the new testament of the holy Bible is the Old Testament is basically 
> the Jewish aspect so that I noticed they are all closely related because the 
> Jews the Muslims and Christians all believe in Abraham salt I am trying to 
> learn all about it I've never had a ball bowl of matzo ball so my cousin 
> married into Jewish family and so she's actually down in Florida and I think 
> is going to coach me on some of the Jewish traditions very interesting people 
> and many of the people who have helped me in my memorabilia career have been 
> Jewish people and also in my musical career like Lloyd Berman of Hollywood 
> Lloyd's camera exchange who is in the movie Bowfinger with Steve Mar he was 
> one of my name buyers of my clapboards in Hollywood
> Lloyd was the World War II fighter pilot and he started his camera store in 
> 1947 in Hollywood and quango Boulevard and he has a smart speaking part is 
> they filmed the movie in his store and when you look you can see my 
> clapboards all around the store I think he might've put Frank Oz who directed 
> it up to using my boards because he's always trying to help me out he would 
> actually pay me extra money on my invoices so we started calling him uncle 
> Lloyd because he was such a kind man also Ira Rubenstein offered to give my 
> son and his friends a VIP tour of Sony pictures while he worked there and he 
> said I'll be your son's surrogate dad while he's in Los Angeles that's when I 
> learned what a mensch was
> And lastly but not the only one who is Mel Blanc the voice of bugs bunny who 
> took me out to lunch in 1976 in imparting some of the best wisdom I've ever 
> had on business or show business when he told me that I could be honest and 
> stay in the entertainment industry but that I just needed to realize there 
> were some good guys and son that we're not so good but to try my best to not 
> work with the good ones and there has been many many more that's why I wanted 
> to find out about Jewish Tradition because Jesus Christ himself was Jewish 
> and I figure he had lots of good wisdom
>> On 2024-03-13 16:14, Alan Adler wrote:
>> Dear Mopos -
>> Anyone out there have a sense of the value or rarity of an original
>> 2001 Premiere Engagement ticket - Lowes Capitol - NY - April 3 - 8:30
>> PM.
>> Alan
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