so since im ona roll...
i thoughti would mention a few things about success and money
ever notice that Italians can cry over failed pizza dough???
and that many times we put more in the art than the profits
justask Dvinci.. or others inthart field from BC to now

so Francis is fufilling his heritage//

when i sent Frank Capra a movie real time clock i made his secretary called me..Frank want to send you stills from Its wonderful life i thought wow he liked my clock..theni watched thefilm inthe start ofthe film they ask why God picked the Clockmaker Clarence to help George Bailey- James stewart.... I finally saw why Frank Capra was touched.//

ne was Sicilian
my heritage is Sicilian on my dad side and Italian on my mothers side so it fits into my family heritage

Then this year I found out that the legendary Frank Sinatra was also Sicilian the funny note is that one it's a wonderful life came out in 1946 it bombed at the box office moneywise yet has been a classic ever since and for me what are the most touching films ever made that I have witnessed I noticed a correlation between Italians passion for projects when I think of Italy everything from the cars clothing music and art has always been superb quality not based on profit margins but based on its ever touching quality my family's name from dad side of Palermo Sicily was Marotta and 15th-century artist what is the name Carlos Marratta who did a wonderful painting of Virgin Mary and child a school teacher gave me a small reprint of the paining years ago and said you could be related to him and when I researched Sicily it said they spelled the name various ways depending on what part of Sicily the family came from so they were variations on the spelling I thought it would be funny if I was related somehow to the painter I am very thankful for my heritage and I feel a connection even though I never met my father who was the sergeant in the US Marine Corps during the Korean conflict in the 50s

I have been in touch with my cousin who still lives in Rochester New York and we have so much in common he was a drummer and he loves the Beatles and loves Italian food it's funny how you can be thousands of miles apart and still have a connection in your roots So when I heard that Francis Ford Coppola is having a issue with distribution I thought this is the typical Italian thing because he obviously has great passion for his project but to convey it to the other people is the difficulty and when I hear the word experimental film it usually means this project is going to cost a lot of money but may not return the money somehow I see the same thought process when Michelangelo negotiating the Sistine chapel or countless sculptures and paintings
End of rant:)
this post intentions may get you a cupp a coffee maybeLOL
Hollywood dream factory®
since 1977


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