hope you all had a good 4tyh

well just for the record..
I neverwas in topolitics/

I voted Jimmy Carter in 1976 wheni was 20
my grandmother took me in 1960 tosee John F Kennedy speak I was %
 and then he was shot in Nov 1963
when i almost died in 2012 Last rites read.. I decided to give backas i had no health insurance and because of Barack and Biden i was able to get the ACAorObamacare

so when i saw the debate i realized from my own experience with others.. Biden had a brain Fart from all tress many are alsogoing threw it as youngas 20s as life and covid and the economy and numerous things affect any age.. at 81 withe the recent Hunter biden Scandal andthe constant barrage of negative news he simple buckled..and he was sick.. they should have potponed it or waited tile he was better.. you heard worried sick??

well here is another fact i found Moses yes t the bible Moses also had a speech stuttering issue and stammer..so that explains volumes as Joe tripsoverword but so does theother guy...thepointis he has offered many great ideas like reduction of student debt.. also help with the immigrants..the buildup of stress

consider the age of the Beatles..82 and 83 yet still tour doing 3 hour shows... somany actors are even in 80s 90

so i plan to just pray for peace in Israel and Ukraine and forallthe USAS and Europe and othernations as this is all In Gods hands and Abagail Disney said she would not Fund Democrats.. walt disney said : " its kind of fun doing the impossible"

so i will trust God corrects allthe mass confusion the world is in
and i will wish Biden much health and focus and clarity and that his fellow democrats pull totherand support him

also i will pray the the republicans will be cordial and the evangekicals also

Jesus said : a rich man can not enter the kingdom of god as it would be likea Camel going through the eye ofa needle

 the signs are clear to me... like clockwork..
love God with all your soul mind heartand love your neighbors as yourself
Jesus said fear not

another thing in revelation it says the battle is not flesh and blood but Powers and principalities. and the media..

God bless you all Peace and love to all
Hollywood dream factory®
since 1977

one last thing the usa was native Indians..the africans were brought not by choice but slaves.. we took part of Mexico andcallit texas,, as weelas many north areas like my state...so many have been abused by greed and hate like Chinese , Japan. south American , Germany Italy, France, Spain all have sufferd sp we need to help all countrys the middle east,, Russia.. Korea as we areall brotherand sisters


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