In Arlo's snip from the post "Quotation from Zen"  RMP makes a statement about 

rigidity and how value rigidity can cause one to overlook or not notice dynamic 
value patterns.


 "This often shows up in premature diagnosis, when you're sure you know what 
the trouble is, and then when it isn't, you're stuck. Then you've got to find 
some new clues, but before you can find them you've got to clear your head of 
old opinions. If you're plagued with value rigidity you can fail to see the 
real answer even when it's staring you right in the face because you can't see 
the new answer's importance."


This is how DQ/SQ works. It is not the same split as subject/object. This is 
how MoQ

functions in providing more explanatory power

It does not require another language system for it to work for you

or to discuss it as Pirsig just did.


He goes on to say:


"The birth of a new fact is always a wonderful thing to experience. It's 
dualistically called a "discovery" because of the presumption that it has an 
existence independent of anyone's awareness of it. When it comes along, it 
always has, at first, a low value. Then, depending on the value-looseness of 
the observer and the potential quality of the fact, its value increases, either 
slowly or rapidly, or the value wanes and the fact disappears.


The overwhelming majority of facts, the sights and sounds that are around us 
every second and the relationships among them and everything in our 
memory...these have no Quality, in fact have a negative quality. If they were 
all present at once our consciousness would be so jammed with meaningless data 
we couldn't think or act. So we preselect on the basis of Quality, or, to put 
it Phædrus' way, the track of Quality preselects what data we're going to be 
conscious of, and it makes this selection in such a way as to best harmonize 
what we are with what we are becoming." (Pirsig)


I found this last statement very interesting, we pre-select from knowledge and 
our senses

what we pay attention to. They are there, but filtered into value patterns 
based on usefulness

and meaning, synthesizing the "self".


We simplify and exaggerate creating the phenomena of self, over simplification

and exaggeration produce value rigidity. Expanding the scope of awareness

expands that phenomena of self.


To be clear, he is not saying the self does not exist or it is not important

he is saying that the self is a collection of rigid value patterns that loosen 

the expansion of awareness.


The illusion is the perception of that self as an enclosed isolated entity.














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