Thanks for sharing Arlo!

A somewhat connected comment...
I just finished reading Tolstoys "Anna Karenina" and near the end there are a 
few pages that incredibly map out a  MOQ-esque perspective, of course through a 
19th century Russian lense. (I don't want to give away any of it but would love 
to discuss with anyone)

I was just curious, which authors that have never read Pirsig come to 
strikingly similar conclusions?


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> On May 10, 2016, at 2:20 PM, ARLO JAMES BENSINGER JR <> wrote:
> Hey All,
> Not sure if this op piece was mentioned before (I searched my email, didn't 
> see any mention of the author so I am guessing not). This is from the New 
> York Times "The Stone" series. "When Philosophy Lost It's Way" by Robert 
> Frodeman and Adam Briggle from earlier this year (Jan 2016). 
> There are two main points in this article. Although Pirsig is not cited, its 
> hard to imagine the authors are not drawing from ZMM (or Dewey's later works).
> The first point is the "sterilization" of philosophy as a process of removing 
> it from 'everyday lived experience'. "Philosophy, then, as the French thinker 
> Bruno Latour would have it, was “purified” — separated from society in the 
> process of modernization."
> The second point is a "sterilization" of philosophy in the following way. 
> "There is another layer to this story. The act of purification accompanying 
> the creation of the modern research university was not just about 
> differentiating realms of knowledge. It was also about divorcing knowledge 
> from virtue. ... Knowing and being good were intimately linked."
> The authors conclude, "The point of philosophy now is to be smart, not good. 
> It has been the heart of our undoing."
> I'm not presenting this short article as anything I expect any of you to find 
> earth-shattering, this is ground that Pirsig (and others) exposed decades 
> ago. But I thought, since appeared very recently in the NYT, it would be 
> worth sharing.
> Arlo
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