Hi all,

I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Pirsig.  My thoughts, prayers, and 
heart go out to his family.
He has had such an influence on so many people of different faiths that I have 
been thinking about his above quote about religion.  I wanted to share a quote 
I came across that reminded me of Pirsig.   First a short intro to the author.  
This was written by Rudolf Allers M.D.,Ph.D. (1883-1963).   Allers was an 
Austrian psychiatrist – a Catholic taught by Sigmund Freud. He later distanced 
himself from psychoanalysis.  When the Nazis took Austria Allers emigrated to 
the United States. He was master of Viktor Frankl and a friend of St. Edith 

 “A man may think well of himself because he is conscious of devoting his 
energy to the pursuit of some goal he wants to reach, because he is indeed 
enthusiastic about it, because his whole personality has become wrapped up in 
his purpose. But there are few people who care to find out whether these goals 
really deserve the spending of so much of energy, and whether it is right to 
let them occupy so large a place in life, or whether their objective importance 
justifies  the mental reactions associated them. This question is not asked  
because man loves to believe that objective values exist necessarily wherever 
his personal likings are engaged. This primitive attitude has been strengthened 
by the unlucky course philosophy has taken  for more than a century.  The 
philosophers have told mankind too often that there are no objective values, 
that values do not exist at all outside the mind, that they are but the result 
of human predilection, and the projection, as it were, into the world of 
reality , of the subjective attitudes.......
Every being strives for the good.  This may be used as a kind of definition of 
what is good or a value: good is what every being wants. This is quite true so 
long as it is taken in the right sense.  Every striving indeed is significant 
of some good having been sighted.   The study of strivings or human wants may, 
therefore, serve as a point of departure for an inquiry into the nature and the 
order of values. But is absolutely wrong to conclude that striving creates, so 
to say, the value; in fact it is the value or the good existing in reality or 
capable of existing there which causes the wishes, the wants, the cravings and 
strivings of man to arise. Modern mind has become thoroughly imbued with the 
utterly mistaken idea of the subjectivity of values.”


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