Marco to Andrea

(and Elephant, Roger, and all MD)

Andrea wrote:

> I use "Quality" meaning DQ, not static quality.
> "Perceiving Quality" means the immediate experience of value:
> but I would like to know if you believe this:
> SQ) "Perceiving" Quality really means perceiving static quality.
> One cannot directly experience DQ. DQ has to do with an evolution
> in the way we perceive sq, or what we perceive as sq, not something
> that we directly "see". Or a perception of DQ is a dramatic event such
> as "enlightment" and occurs sporadically, sometimes (usually) never
> occurs at all in one's life.

Here I find immediately a difference.
Quality means Reality. As Quality is an event, Reality is an ever
present event. What we experience is reality. Reality manifests to us
primarily as perception. Senses are our first tool... but when senses
are involved, the Quality event is already in the past. Later will come
the social and intellectual selves ... later.

What is that Reality we experienced? Static Quality? Dynamic
Quality?..... IMO, simply Quality.  In Lila, ch. 9, RMP writes:

"One can imagine how an infant in the womb acquires awareness of simple
distinctions such as pressure and sound, and then at birth acquires more
complex ones of light and warmth and hunger. *We* know these
distinctions are pressure and sound and light and warmth and hunger and
so on but the baby doesn't. We could call them stimuli but the baby
doesn't identify them as that. Form the baby's point of view, something,
he knows not what, compels attention. This generalized "something" ,
Whitehead's "dim apprehension", is Dynamic Quality. When he is a few
month old the baby studies his hand or a rattle, not knowing it is a
hand or a rattle... "
"... if he is normally attentive to Dynamic Quality he will soon begin
to notice differences and then correlations between the differences and
the repetitive patterns of the correlations. But it is not until the
baby is several months old that he will begin to really understand
enough about that enormously complex correlation of sensations and
boundaries and desires called an *object* to be able to reach for one.
This object will not be a primary experience. It will be a complex
pattern of static values *derived* from primary experience".

Well, it seems that the experience of DQ is not matter of enlightenment,
as it is common for every baby. In few words, the same *object* I reach
for, could be a static experience for me and a dynamic experience for
you... or vice versa. Here is the point: we, like all what exists,
immediately after the experience try to reduce the experience into
existing and *known* patterns. If it is possible, then it's a static
experience. If it's not possible, then it's a dynamic experience.
Usually it is a mix of both.

I'd call "enlightenment" (the very special event you speak of) a special
experience with a consequent creation of new patterns... new not only
for the creator, new for all universe.   Given this first discrepancy, I
try to go on:

> Let's begin:
> Q1) Quality is beyond logic, and cannot be precisely
> described by words.

Agree.... with a little rectification on "beyond". Logic is
intellectual, and intellect comes later... Logic is derived from
Reality. It can't describe *exactly* reality 'cause the great part of
reality has
been already discarded (by senses, emotions, prejudices....) and because
of the limits of language.

> Q2) Your perception of Quality is beyond logic, and
> cannot be precisely described by words.
> I believe both.

It's the same thing seen from the reverse viewpoint: experience comes
before logic, and it can't be described by words. Right.

> Q3) your perception of Quality is itself limited by your
> individual horizons (context, experience, etc.). Thus you and I
> perceive Quality in different ways. (This is stronger than saying
> that we would describe it with different words, if forced to, unless
> you believe that you perceive exactly what you
> can describe and exactly the way you would describe it).

RIGHT! (if we use "perception" to say what comes after the cutting edge
of experience)

> It may be useful to state that in any case, this is not related
> to the idea of a single "me" program run by everyone. That may or
> may not be the case, independently of Q3). If we all run the same
> "me" program, it is still a fact that we live different lives and
> different data, and that could still yield Q3). If Q3) holds, and
> it is your individual essence (with its limitation) that attaches
> meanings to words, yielding *your* language, in this sense one may
> say that your language is your world (including Quality).

When *I* experienced reality, many milliseconds ago, a huge quantity of
sensorial data (virtually infinite) was there. *I* used a series of
static *filters* (inorganic, biological, social and intellectual) in the
attempt to reduce those data into *known* patterns, discarding what's
considered useless. This *static* quality *I* perceived, is actually
made of past experiences.

The more these static filters are working, the less the reality I
perceived is dynamic. If I will face reality with a dynamic "attitude"
(more or less spontaneously), maybe I'll let the space to include part
of what's left of the original dynamic experience into my *self*. I will
select in this process the DQ to be saved. This selection (not
necessarily a conscious choice) answers to a fundamental question:
"Which? .... Which part of DQ must be saved? Which is better?". The
Latin term for "Which" is *Qualis*  .... so here we get the term

So the DQ becomes sq, and also it becomes part of me.  That's why,
actually, we are made of Quality... everything is made of Quality...
Reality is Quality.

I completely agree that everyone *knows* (or, is composed of) different
static patterns, so the same data are stored (or discarded) diversely.
Language, that is a social tool we use to share intellectual patterns,
can at most represent all my intellectual patterns (but IMO it's however
inadequate even to it). I'd say that *in this sense* language can be, at
most, the hardcopy of my intellectual map of the world.

> If one accepts Q3), one may wonder whether believing that there
> *is* a "universal" value and that we perceive it in different ways
> is sensible.
> That is we could discuss statements of the following forms:
> Q4) Quality is one, but we perceive it in different ways;
> Q5) Quality is about how and what we perceive rather than
> being what is perceived, so Q4) is meaningless or wrong

I'm more on the Q4 position. Reality/Quality is one, but we translate
the experience into different forms according to the different static
patterns we are composed of. The Q5 seems to be closer to what I mean
for sQ.

> Those would be very interesting subjects for further discussion,
> to me. A parallel question is where does the concept of Truth fit
> in all this, if it fits at all. I would be very interested to know
> opinion. Some statements on truth:
> T1) there is an absolute truth, which metaphysics can only
> approximate (as the truth has to do with Quality and
> metaphysics is linguistic)
> T2) there is an absolute truth, which metaphysics can
> describe completely provided it has the right tools,
> e.g., the concept of Quality
> T3) the concept of truth is opposed to that of Quality -
> so metaphysics goes for the "better" and not for the "true"

T1 is a good point. It is similar to the Heidegger's "aletheia" (truth
as disclosure). What Heidegger fails to see is that the Greeks had
another term to mean "truth": "episteme", that is something like
"over-stability". Aletheia is the process of progressive disclosure of
the episteme, that is the Reality that stays unchangeable over every
attempt to explain it.

Anyway, IMO there is an Episteme over every attempt of Aletheia, then T2
seems to me impossible: intellect is a static level and no static
pattern will grasp Reality. About T3, I'd say that Truth is a type of
Good. In my last post to Elephant I offered my key to Truth: the more
you want to formulate undeniable concepts [that is, the more you
formulate a *truth*], the more you are talking of the static nature of
your observations. There's a point in Lila (I don't find the exact
quote) where Pirsig states the supremacy of science over religion, as
science, more than religion, allows new experiences,  and new
evaluations of what it learns. The truth of religion is "stronger" (that
is, more static): that's why science is more dynamic, and, definitely,
superior.  Back to truth, my conclusion is that it's a type of Good.
There is no contradiction in searching for the "true" and searching for
the "better".... in one sentence, we all are searching for a better

Given these lines, your next sentence has found IMO the answer:

> Especially in the light of T3, it is unclear to me why MOQ
> should insist to be "science" or "logic", as these seem more
> like tools for discovering truths than for discovering beauty.
> If one believes T3, and also believes that MOQ should be logic, it
> seems that s/he should think that the MOQer
> should pretend not to be aware of T3 to work within the
>  MOQ framework. Perhaps MOQ can be rephrased by saying
> that it attempts at seeing what can be gained by searching for
> quality with the tools that apply to truth. This
> would also be the meaning of the idea of "rationally understand
> you are one with the universe" when lying on top of a mountain
> and thinking MOQ. Or you may think that logic is a tool for
> discovering beauty, not truth. Or...?

As there is no contradiction between truth and Good, the tools of logic
are  excellent in order to discover/create truth, and also  to discuss
the past truth. About beauty, I'd say that it's for the "beauty" of new
truths that scientists go on searching. Logic is one tool to translate
the encountered DQ into a static form...  that is, to fix the beauty
into truth.  Few months ago I tried to persuade Roger and others that
the scientific method is an important intellectual tool, but not the
only possible one. I offered that also art can be intellectual, as it
has the same purpose of science (investigation of reality),  it creates
patterns made of a "code" (the technique of the artist is a sort of
language) and shares the results in a social context. Of course, there
are "specializations": science is analytic, while art is holistic, and
they tend to investigate different aspects of reality. Particularly
science seems unable to investigate emotions, while art is very good in
this. At the contrary, it's obvious that the behavior of particles can't
be investigated by dramatists....

In the end we reached for the conclusion that good science and good art
and good philosophy are all  "High Quality Endeavors" that is the
definition for the intellectual/artistic way to aReTe.

> Finally, in this thread we came up with:
> L1) language is a part of reality.
> I believe this (of course). Language is a topic to be addressed if
> you want to describe the world, and at the same time something
> that modifies the world. It modifies the world both because it is a
> part of the world (like my dog modifies the world by digging in the
> garden) and because our notion of "world" in a SOM sense is itself
> created by language (which are of course two different things). Thus:
> L2) language is a part of reality just like my dog, and interacts
> with it;
> L3) language creates my (SOM) reality.

As I wrote above, I'd say that language is the tool to share my
intellectual patterns of reality.

> That is all very sensible. But as a consequence of Q3, Q4 and
> Q5, one may also state that:
> L3) language (in a very wide sense) creates my reality
> (in general - not my SOM reality).

I don't subscribe this point.  Language derives from reality (as
everything) so it is created by reality. (Does Lila have quality? No,
it's Quality that has Lila.  She's created by it).  We just use it to
write and share our map of reality.

> By reality in general vs SOM reality I mean pre-linguistic,
> immediately perceived reality (with value as a pivot)
> vs categorized, conceptualized, post linguistic, reality.

Again this division... "SOM reality" is a map of reality "MOQ reality"
is another map. The only difference is that the MOQ map contains the SOM
map, and pretends to be one step beyond, towards an infinitely distant
horizon . Anyway, pre-static reality can't be reduced completely to any
map... principally 'cause Quality writes the maps.

> Thanks to anyone who wants to help :)

Hope I did. Please, let me know.


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