Popping out of lurk mode....

I have been way too busy lately....only catching glimpses of the 
discussions....one comment in a post from Chris Lofting struck 
me and I feel the need to comment.

Chris Lofting wrote (in response to a post from Andrea):
So let me get this right.. You would prefer I dont reply since it in 
some way upsets your train of thought!? Wow - censorship!! 

It's only be censorship if YOU choose to suppress what you say.  
And then you'd be censoring yourself.  Andrea can't censor you 
unless she has the power (i.e. force of law, ability to edit your 
posts, etc) to do so.

This may be a nitpick - but I find far too often that the term 
"censorship" gets applied incorrectly (IMHO).  If I disagree with a 
friend and they then no longer share their thoughts with me for 
fear that I will stop being their friend, who censored whom?  
Now, if I edit newsletter and I do not let certain views be 
expressed - then I am censoring.


David Lind

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