Rog to John

    I to am more than a little disappointed in this discussion group.  I
 guess I expected the group to be discussing things like: self organization,
 complex adaptive systems, learning, and how these thing are dependent on the
 quality recognition process, how the recognition of quality is fundamental
 to model building, how various quality recognition mechanisms function, the
 relation of quality recognition in complex brains to implicit knowledge
 encoded in simple bacteria and other life forms, what causes the seemingly
 ever increasing complexity and organization within the universe, how does
 quality and its recognition relate (in detail) to moral issues and what are
 its ramifications.
    I personally feel that MOQ could provide alot of help in these and other
 very important areas of research.  All I see is word games, when there are
 so many real problems that need to be worked. 

Those sound like cool topics to me.  Over the past 3 or 4 years several of 
these have come up a time ot two.  If the current discussion bores you, feel 
free to surf the archives.  When you find juicy tidbits, bring them back up 
(actually that is partially where the current discussion came from.)

Better yet, if you wanna chat on self organization, increasing complexity and 
complex adaptive systems, please get a thread started.  I believe that these 
are critical elements in a 21st century version of the MOQ.  I am researching 
these issues now for my personal writings.  

Do be warned that I am a weekend poster though, so don't let a few days of 
silence scare you.


PS -- Technically, doesn't Marco's article deal with "the
 relation of quality recognition in complex brains to implicit knowledge
 encoded in simple bacteria and other life forms"?

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