I have just finished reading an article about nicoli tesla - he invented ac 
electricity and also , contrary to popular belief, radio.  The current US 
proposal of a missle defence shield (the version that creates a shield 
similar to microwaves to disable incomming warheads) differs from one of 
teslas patents by only 3 small differences, evolutions that have only been 
possible through advanced mathematical modelling available now through 
computers.  As he invented AC electricity AND radio I suppose he is 
justified in being called the father of the 20th century.  What has 
fascinated me is an invention tesla was perfecting (apparantly the 
principles are reasonably sound - however the US government holds all the 
workings) that sent electricity in a manner similar to radio waves, allowing 
electricity to be "recieved" from anywhere on earth by bouncing thiese waves 
off the ionosphere (I think, it was definately some atmospheric component).  
Tesla was not the most economic minded person and as such spent all his 
money and then some on his inventions.  He sold the patent for AC 
electricity to bell and they then helped set up the national grid.  As Tesla 
was (again) running out of money, he sold the idea to bell (radio 
electricity) and nothing came of it.  The reason nothing came of it is 
simple in economic reasoning.  How do you make money if people can tap into 
this electricity for free.  This is the reason why with our current mindset, 
truly wonderful developments are nigh on impossible.  If you cant make money 
from it, how do you justify the development costs, how are you rewarded for 
your effort, how does your company recieve a tangible benefit.  This is a 
major hurdle.  Imagine all cars running on electricity FOR FREE no CO2 no 
filling up etc etc.  I find it implausible that things like this should not 
be allowed to happen but they arent.  This is one example of I am sure a 
plethora of other ideas that would benefit us in all sorts of positive ways 
but extinguish power(excuse the pun) from those who hold it, conspiracy 
theories abound on such inventions, and by the massive number of them, the 
chances of 1 of them being true is pretty high.  So quality is thwarted.

This leads to an intersting phenomena, if quality is the driving force of 
all of nature, which is well explained by Mr Pirsig, then does our unique 
ability to control our environment somehow give us the ability to circumvent 
some of the evolutionary prowess of quality?  Evolution shows that animals 
are a product of their environment, and this product is shaped by quality, 
as is the environment itself, all together in a harmonious accord being 
driven (or pulled as the train analogy in Zen depicts) by quality.  We have 
for whatever reason, evolved to the stage where we can survive in almost all 
known environs, through technology we have created for ourselves a device 
that creates something similar to quality found in nature, however this is 
pseudo quality, we have invented it and as such it cannot be the real thing, 
as we ourselves are a product of the real thing.  Our minds however seem to 
struggle to use this immensly powerful pseudo quality in a way that is 
harmonious to true quality and as such the 2 qualities are battling at an 
obtuse angle.  This begs the question that if animals are a product of their 
environment, and this environment is driven by quality, then do we, due to 
our ability to control our environment in such a massive way, control our 
own evolution, and as such control quality.  I would say that we dont 
control quality, but this pseudo quality we have control over is powerful 
enough to subvert our attention enough to render true quality almost benign. 
  A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and when that little knowledge is 
applied to something as all encompassing as the quality concept the results 
could be (and have been)devastating.

enjoy      evolve

david wilkinson
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