To David Evolve and the MOQ
>From Rog

Sorry David, I meant to send this yesterday!

Quality is 
the moment when 2 or more elements of chaos achieves a momentary rythm, and 
thus gives chaos a pattern.  This pattern is then assesed aginst other 
patterns which have been produced previously and if it is harmonious then 
will continue, if the pattern contradicts another, the pattern with the 
higest frequency, or rate of change will succedd.  This gives rise to why 
intelligance is neeeded as it effectively is an ability to process things at 
a faster rate, and thus be able to impart change through overtaking of other 
rythms.  When a rythm overtakes another, the superceeded rythim becomes the 
static pattern, cancelled out by the faster but also adding its own 
influence, because to pass through, or overtake there has to be a place 
where the 2 rythms are at the same event horizon, or quality moment, the 
time when 2 dynamic rythms meetand achieve the same same frequncy, quality 
occurs, a meme is created, or another pattern, which then influences the way 
everything is interpreted. ...(snip)...
Quality is then the event where more than one inputs are achieving a 
harmonious equilibrium. 

I agree with this and many of your other explorations into pattern, chaos and 
harmony.  I think the MOQ misses this, at least in general focus.  Pirsig is 
so infatuated with struggles and moral hierarchies in Lila that he fails to 
explore much in the way of harmonious equilibrium and self 
reinforcing/mutually amplifying feedback patterns.

He makes a great point that higher levels trump the lower, but the real magic 
occurs not when the levels contradict each other, but when they reinforce 
each other.  Similar advances in Quality occur when various patterns within a 
level cooperate as well. Then you get synergy.  One plus one equals infinity.

Thanks for sharing!


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