Hi Gerhard

On 4 Jul 2001, at 21:13, Gerhard Ersdal wrote:

> It the moment I'm not certain that MoQ are defining my goal, as I am more confused 
>now on the deductions from MoQ 
> than I was when I joined this list. I was used to having the goals defined by 
>humanitarianism and utilitarianism, but lacked a
> foundation for these arguments. Some years ago, I thought I found this foundation 
>when reading Lila, and I call tell you
> that I was pleased. Now, after being a member of this discussion group for a half 
>year, I've learned that it is possible
> to be pro and con death penalty, it is possible to be humanitarian and 
>non-humanitarian, it is possible to defend 
> egoism and utilitarianism, etc. etc., all based on the MoQ. 

Most of the problems that arise in this respect are from superimposing the MoQ over a 
set of 
already held beliefs. Once you let go of your old beliefs and start afresh from a 
foundation and apply an evolutionary morality the majority of problems dissolve.


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