Hello everyone

>From: "Platt Holden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: MD Pirsig's hypocrisy
>Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 13:42:04 -0400
>Hi Dan:
>Thanks for your comments on how different people interpret the MOQ
>differently. Here's a case in point. You wrote:
>Robert Pirsig is an author and Phaedrus is a fictional character in his
>books. They are not the same.
>I wonder how many others agree with you. I've always assumed
>Phaedrus and Pirsig where one and the same person. As evidence,
>here are a couple of passages from Lila:
>"But six years later, after publication of a successful book, most of
>these problems had disappeared. When the question arose of what
>would be the subject of a second book there was no question about
>what it would be. Phaedrus loaded his old Ford pickup truck with a
>camper and headed back to into Montana again, to the easter plains
>where the reservations were."
>"And Phaedrus knew something about values. Before he had gone up
>into the mountains and written a whole book on values."
>"Phaedrus thought it portended very well for his Metaphysics of Quality
>that both mysticism and science reject metaphysics for completely
>different reasons."
>"The central reality of mysticism, the reality that Phaedrus had called
>'Quality' in his first book, is not a metaphysical chess piece."
>"What made all this so formidable to Phaedrus was that he himself
>had insisted in his book that Quality cannot be defined."
>Well, I could go on, but I think you can see how I get the idea that Pirsig
>and Phaedrus are two names for the same nonfictional individual.
>I wonder what you see that I don't? Do our respective "glasses" distort
>the common meaning of words so much?

Hi Platt

I came to that conclusion from reading the letters others have shared from 
Robert Pirsig over the years. He is warm and humorous. Phaedrus is so 
distant and always so doggone serious. I think Phaedrus is a mask, just like 
we all have masks we put on. He is not the man.

Thank you for your reply.

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