-------- Original Message --------
Subject: tpsRelw error help
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 12:07:33 -0500
From: dwe...@life.illinois.edu
To: morphmet@morphometrics.org

  I'm relatively new to morphometrics and the tps software, so I probably
made a simple mistake that can easily be fixed, but I'm getting an error
message that says: "error: number of columns not a multiple of
  I get this message in tpsRelw when I attempt to open a .NTS file.  This
.NTS file was made in tpsUtil after I created a sliders file from my
original TPS file.
  If you need more information or can help me figure this out, I would
greatly appreciate it.  You can respond directly to me at

  Thank you!


Daniel P Welsh

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