----- Forwarded message from morphmet_modera...@morphometrics.org -----

Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2012 16:44:30 -0700
From: morphmet_modera...@morphometrics.org
Reply-To: morphmet_modera...@morphometrics.org
Subject: Urgent help about Fourier analysis paper on chamois horns
To: morphmet@morphometrics.org

----- Forwarded message from Milos Blagojevic -----

Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 06:51:29 -0400
From: Milos Blagojevic
Reply-To: Milos Blagojevic
Subject: Urgent help about Fourier analysis paper on chamois horns
To: morphmet

Dear morphometricians,

I am in final stages of paper preparation for publication and that journal specifically state that every manuscript should be proof-read by colleagues. Because this paper concerns outline analysis and Fourier transformations I am asking if there is someone willing to help me by reading my manuscript. Paper is not long, it consists of 5 pages. I will provide the manuscript to those who are interested in helping me.

You can contact me at : paulidel...@kg.ac.rs, paulideali...@gmail.com or my morphmet mail.

Thanks in advance and best regards,
Milos Blagojevic, Ph.D. student

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