Dear ALL,

I have a number of questions about the geomorph R package, that I will post
here in separate messages.

First one concerns Principal Components Analysis, using the
plotTangentSpace routine. It requires a 3D matrix as argument, however my
data (on fishes) are 2D and I could not figure out how to convert my data
to the required format; the explanation of the arrayspecs routine in the
"Quick Guide to Geomorph" was not clear for me (and it lacks a workin

My data are read from a NTSYSpc file containing 2D coordinates for 10
landmarks for a number of fish specimens, using the readland.nts routine. I
have been able to perform a PCA on these data using the shapepca routine in
Ian Dryden's shapes R package, but would like to perfom the entire analysis
using geomorph.

Thanks in advance for any hints!

Best regards,

Dr. Mauro J. Cavalcanti

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