
There were two issues with the file.  First, you had single curly quotes in 
front of the specimen names. These should be simple ascii character quotes 

Second, you had missing data in one of the specimens. For downstream analyses 
in geomorph that is fine, but at present the read.morphologika function does 
not handle these.  The immediate solution is to replace these with -9999, then 
read the file, and then replace them back to ‘NA’ within R.  You can then 
estimate the missing landmark locations using the ‘estimate.missing’ function 
in geomorph, and continue with your other analyses.

Note that in the next version of geomorph we will add the ability to read 
missing data directly from morphologika files, as is possible when reading TPS 
files. Thank you for bringing this oversight to our attention!



Dr. Dean C. Adams
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
       Department of Statistics
Iowa State University<>
phone: 515-294-3834

From: Jo Gooding []
Sent: Monday, June 8, 2015 1:39 PM
Subject: [MORPHMET] geomorph problem with morphologika file

Dear all,

I'm trying to read a morphologika formatted file into geomorph, but getting the 
following error message:

> read.morphologika("combodatatest.txt")
Error in dimnames(coords)[[3]] <- names :
  length of 'dimnames' [3] not equal to array extent

I'm not sure how I've formatted the .txt file incorrectly as it looks in 
keeping with the geomorph manual example (my file is attached). Any suggestions 
would be gratefully received!

Many thanks


Joanna Gooding
MSc Student

Palaeobiology and Biodiversity Research Group
School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol
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