Hi folks,
I would like to signal you this new paper:
*Piras P.,* Teresi L., Traversetti L., Varano V, Gabriele S., Kotsakis T.,
Raia P., Puddu P.E., Scalici M. (2016). The conceptual framework of
ontogenetic trajectories: Parallel Transport allows the recognition and
visualization of pure deformation patterns. *Evolution and Development* 18:
182:200. DOI: 10.1111/ede.12186
Here we argue that looking at pure deformations, by separating intra-and
inter- individual trajectories is very effective in interpreting
morphological consequences of ontogenetic allometry. In this case the
deformation, rather than shape difference, should be the focus of
investigations. Albeit not directly discussed here, possible inferences on
the abused concept of heterochrony could emerge from this approach.


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