Hi folks, I had a chance to compile my published CT imaging, landmark and genotype data from last couple years into a project called 'Genetics of Craniofacial Shape in Mus' at the Open Science Framework. Project is publicly available at https://osf.io/w4wvg/
The bulk of the data comes from a mouse backcross between A/J (A) and C57BL/6J (B6) strains. There are about 500 head microCT scans and associated skull landmarks. Both of those can be readily visualized in 3D Slicer. The genotype (1449 SNPs) phenotype (sex, and litter) data is available as a R/qtl cross file. I hope to add the mandible landmarks when I have the chance, along with data from another paper, which is in review. The repository also contains the microCT skull/mandible 'atlas' that was constructed using a large number of classical and wild-derived inbred Mus musculus strains, along with the code to conduct image processing and analysis in R. Each project component has a wiki that explains datasets with more detail. All data are provided freely. If you end up using data for a publication, please cite the project with its DOI and appropriate publication(s). Full-text publications (and citations) are available under the 'Zotero' section of the main project. Hope you find it useful. Please let me know if you have questions, or encounter issues with the data. Best wishes, M -- MORPHMET may be accessed via its webpage at http://www.morphometrics.org --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MORPHMET" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to morphmet+unsubscr...@morphometrics.org.