Hi Candice,

I think that maybe you should try to organize both coordinate sets directly
using notepad or wordpad and saving the file as a .tps format file. Doing
so, you won't depend on the tpsUtil.
Also, I understand that you have missing data. You can try and estimate
those missing landmarks with the *estimate.missing *function of
the  geomorph package for R. It uses thin-plate spline to interpolate
landmarks, or a linear regression model to predict them (the method
election is up to you).
Once you managed to put both sets together and you obtained your missing
landmarks, you can export your new dataset and open it on MorphoJ.
Hope this helps somehow.

Good Luck.

Guido Rocatti
Lic. en Antropología.
División Antropología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo.
Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

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