
Dear all,

we think that our new course on "Exploratory multivariate analysis and 
visualization of genomic data 
<https://www.physalia-courses.org/courses-workshops/course29/>" may be of 
your interest.

Place: Berlin

Dates: 19-23 March 2018


Dr. Sebastien Le (Agrocampus Ouest, FR)

Dr. Aubry Marc (University of Rennes1, FR)


This course is divided into two parts.

First, a detailed overview of the classical exploratory methods conceived 
for multivariate data: Principal Components Analysis, Correspondence 
Analysis, and Multiple Correspondence Analysis. From a unified theoretical 
framework, we will see how these methods are linked, as well as their 
specificities in terms of interpretation, due to the nature of the data 
they are dealing with. From a practical point of view, we will see how they 
can be applied to genomic data, and how they can be used to obtain 
meaningful information. We will see notably, how we can add supplementary 
information to get a better understanding of the data.

Second, an overview of methods that handle multivariate data, when 
variables are structured according to groups: generalised canonical 
analysis, and Multiple Factor Analysis. These methods are really useful 
when different points of view on the same set of individuals have to be 
compared. It is the case for instance, when one has at his disposal gene 
expressions on the one hand, and chemical measures on the other hand. 

The methods will be presented from a geometrical point of view. The 
concepts of quality of representation, active versus illustrative 
variables, automatic description of the dimensions provided by the analyses 
will be discussed.


Each day will include an introductory lecture with class discussion of key 
concepts. The remainder of each day will consist of practical hands-on 
sessions. These sessions will involve a combination of both mirroring 
exercises with the instructor to demonstrate a skill as well as applying 
these skills on your own to complete individual exercises. After and during 
each exercise, interpretation of results will be discussed as a group. 
Computing will be done using a combination of tools installed on the 
attendees laptop computer and web resources accessed via web browser.
Who should attend

Researchers who would like to investigate multivariate and heterogenous 
data from an exploratory point of view. Researchers who would like to 
invest in methods capable of handling multi-block data, in the sense that 
data are structured into groups of variables.

Botanisches Museum, Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8, Berlin

For the detailed program, please visit our website 

Here <https://www.physalia-courses.org/courses-workshops/>is the full list 
of our courses and Workshops

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