Hi Tracy, Pat and anyone who wants to join in,

I would love to continue this conversation on the listserv.  As I  
grapple with the issue of OCR and Strategy Instruction I am wondering  
how to start.  I feel like my kids do have somewhat of an idea that  
readers think about what they are reading (almost all of my kids have  
had OCR level K in kinder).  I have a read a few of Kevin Henkes  
books and modeled my own thinking, primarily text to self and text to  
text connections.  A few of the kids shared their connections.  This  
has really led me to think that although OCR is focusing (for the  
most part) on visualizing in Unit 1 and then Asking Questions, that I  
may be better off really focusing on Schema through my read alouds  
and when appropriate in the OCR selection. I am also thinking I will  
set aside two days of workshop time to focus on comprehension  
strategies and the other 3 days on decoding, high frequency words and  
fluency.  I am really torn as I know what makes sense and is good  
instruction and teaching but it is hard to a line that with what I  
have to do.  Any thoughts? Does what I am thinking make sense or am I  
off track here?


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