I keep a running list of things students can do when they finish their  
reading early.  Here are a few of them. 
1. Create an illustration of one of the scenes in the book.  You may  use 
drawings, words or a collage to recreate the scene.
2. If you were a reporter, what questions would you like to ask the author  
if you were interviewing hi/her for a national newspaper, magazine or TV talk  
3. Create a marketing strategy to advertise and sell this book to a group  of 
your peers.
4. Write an outline for a movie or play of this book.  What events  would be 
most important and what events would you like to add.
5. What music would you use for the movie version and which  actors/actresses 
would you cast as the main characters?
6. Use a media of your choice to compare this book with another by the same  
author or a similar book from the same genre.
7. Re-write the ending of the book to reflect the perspective of another  
character. For example, write the ending of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow  for 
Katrina's point of view or rewrite Dear Mrs. Larue from Mrs. Larue's  
8. Imagine that you were asked to give a 60 second book talk about this  book 
and create three good solid sentences that would serve as a 'hook" to  get 
the attention of your listeners and arouse their interest so they will rush  to 
the library to get this book immediately.
Hope this helps,
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