There's also a "buzz in the air" here in my Florida district that VERY SOON
students will have only LA in middle school.  Teaching reading will be a
'thing of the past,' much like it is in high school.  Yes, high schoolers
read literature---but they aren't "taught" reading.  They're supposed to
"know how" to read.  *Duh* Of course, we find this very bizarre, not only
since we know there are kids with reading deficits sitting in every high
school in the district, but schools that show improvement in reading receive
huge state dollar amounts.  We are doing a huge disservice to our kids and
our profession by eliminating reading from the course list.

As far as your question about letting parents know of the changes coming
down the pike in your district---do you have a PTSA or SAC at your school?
Once the word gets out to them, they'll spread the word for you.  And 39
minutes is LUDICROUS!  We have 45 minute periods (up from 43 minutes last
year), and I feel that's too short!  I'm pushing for 55 minutes. Keep us
posted on the outcome.  The school board will listen to parents before it
listens to teachers.

-----Original Message-----
Recently our new middle school schedule was unveiled for next year and it is

cutting ELA time in the whole school but especially in our 6th grade.   
Currently our 6th graders have two periods of ELA so that we can adequately
both reading and writing. Next year we will have one period a day, 39
minutes in length and each class will get an additional 39 minutes once
every 6 days.  
 All of us who teach ELA are shocked by this. This is being done mainly so
that the students can take a foreign language every day versus every other
like we currently have.

I teach in NY in a district in Westchester County where education is valued
by most parents. Any suggestions how to get the word out to parents and get
them to complain about this. This is so unfair to the students. I'm not sure
how the teachers who will be teaching this are going to be able to cover
both reading and writing in this short time amount.

Pat - NY - grade 6

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