I can't wait to try this! Wow!
In a message dated 2/8/2007 7:16:01 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

also  teach first and I like to have kids literally walk a story map that  I  
have drawn and enlarged on a plastic shower curtain. I have designed  the  
retell to look much like a volcano. There are stopping points  that we visit  
along the volcano. It starts out level... like grass  and we notice the title 
author...make connections to either and  place our connections and 
based on those connections on  sticky notes onto the map. Then we start to 
mount  the story just as  the details start to mount. kids draw pictures of 
setting  and  adhere them to the map. Then we list main events on sentence 
for  the  more proficient kids, and the strugglers draw pictures to go with  
the strips. We  continue that way until we hit the top of the volcano  (which 
the way is  exploding) This is the climax of the story...  Again, more 
and  descriptions. Then there is a quick decent  (though the volcano levels 
off far  above the beginning line) This is  the resolution. Kids draw 
and write  on sentence strips. We  talk about the volcano leveling off far 
the  opposite side of  the volcano because a reader will never end up in the 
same  place as  when he began the story mount. The author and his characters 
forever  change the reader.... add to his schema .... give new mental  
images...  etc. Underneath that part kids list the theme or message  of the 
They try  to figure out how they might have had their  thinking changed or 

To practice the retell, kids take a  two minute mount up the volcano....  
telling about each part and  finally when finished give their reaction to the 
author's style and  message.

I liken this activity to David Middlebrook's scrolls. the kids  are in the  
story with the author... walking the structure. When  their at the top, they 
this is the climax.... that the resolution  will come swiftly... the decent 
of  the story takes so much less time  than the mount. 

Some years we add costumes or shoes that might go with  the story  
content...... it's my attempt at kids working with the  author to create  
Hope this makes  sense

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