I did this last week in Kindergarten.  I found two pictures.  One  showed a 
girl on the ground crying. They said and I listed everything we  could see.  
Girl on the ground.  Crying.  Holding her knee.   Bike on the ground beside 
 The we inferred that she had fallen off the  bike and hurt her knee.  
Another picture showed a boy opening a gift.  We listed what we could  
see...cards, cake, balloons, smile on his face etc.  We inferred that it  was 
birthday.  This helped them understand "infer".  Jane in  SC  :-)
In a message dated 2/19/2007 4:31:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,  

You can  work on inferring with pictures as well.  Cover a part of a picture  
(famous painting perhaps) and let the children tell you what they expect to  
find there.  OR cover all but a small part and have the students tell you  
what the rest is about.

> I teach 1st grade and we have  been working on inferring.  I could use 
other text of his 
> but  would like to hear what you all might suggest!

> Mary Helen
>  1st grade 

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