Wow.  This has been a most interesting (and at times
depressing) thread.  I am simply impressed by the
number of talented and creative middle school teachers
we have on this list. I would have loved to be in your
classes!  Thanks to everyone who shared brilliant
suggestions...I have forwarded many of them to friends
at the middle school.

I think you are all right on about using what they
know/like.  My husband thinks I'm nuts because once a
week I watch Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network  just to
stay in touch with what my students watch. 

A good friend of mine recently left middle school
teaching for the high school.   She adores middle
schoolers, and is amazing with them, but (after almost
20 years) really just needed a break from them.  She
said they can be incredibly draining...I totally
believe her.  A toast to all of you teaching the
raging hormones as we speak!  

Instead of a professional book, Bill, might I suggest
a new calendar?  One which is used to cross off the
days until June.    Hang in!

Lisa, who is glad she teaches elementary
2/3 IL

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