I haven't been reading messages for months, so I am trying to do some catching 
up now that it is spring break here.  Ginger, I am quite intrigued by your unit 
on honeybees.  I have a few questions on management, if you don't mind.  Did 
you group the kids according to the types of questions they came up with 
individually, or did they choose an area to focus on?  Did they each choose 
their own books to read, or did the whole group read the same book and come 
together to discuss their findings?  This is very differentiated, which is 
something many school systems are looking for right now.  I like the fact that 
the kids are making their own discoveries.  I think learning is more permanent 
AND fun when it takes place this way.  If you've thought of anything else I'd 
love to hear it.  I'm trying to decide what I can do this with.  Thanks for 
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