Stacy  such an eloquent statement.  I love it.  Can I use it with my new
teachers to be....???  Still want to get together one of these days.


On 5/8/07 1:34 PM, "Stacy Kula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I've heard of something like this, I think from a book I read by Glasser.
> He advocates using only the grades A, B, or incomplete.  You can do well, or
> you need to keep working.  If you believe (as I do) that "you can GET smart"
> (i.e. all students are capable of high achievement on rigorous work), then you
> don't want to put a final grade on work that is under a student's potential.
> An "incomplete" tells kids they're still in progress, whereas a C or D or F
> tells them either "well, this is how far you came, and that's it" or "you
> failed", neither of which are forward-looking (i.e. "you can get there in the
> future, keep working at it"), and both of which are demoralizing.

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