I use DIBELS as a tool to check how my kids are doing.


We use DIBELS to screen for children who might need further testing for
dyslexia.  Our reading specialist used it as a quick screen, if serious
shortcomings were noted then she did the more intensive testing that is very
time consuming.  In Texas we have some modifications we can use on the state
test called bundling for students identified as dyslexic-readers take the
test over two days instead of one, proper nouns are read to them and
question and answer choices are read to them.  We had a state legislator
with a dyslexic relative which is how this all came about.  DIBELS showed a
problem with 4 of my struggling readers and follow up testing showed
dyslexia and children were placed in 504 status.  3 of the 4 received
commendation on the reading test with the bundling.  They also qualify to
have math and science read to them-not sure about the language test in
fourth-I teach third.  They received these same accommodations on benchmark

Laura C    

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