In my after school program, we first read a story. Usually a creationist  
tale works really well. We've used How the Opossum Got His Skinny Tale and  
Armadillo Tattletale to name a few. We read the story and discuss the  
Then we ask who would like to act out which parts. We map out the  story into 
segments and then the characters write their own dialogue. Then we  have the 
students meet and discuss what they might say to each other and how  they might 
interact with one another. Next we try to put it all together. We do  this by 
projecting on to a screen with the laptop. We then write the script as a  
group. Students notice the interactions and dialogue between the characters  
the progression of the action. We can notice if a character just appeared on  
the scene and notice if a narrator needs to do some clarification. We read the  
script many times over to make sure the scenes jive. Then we act it out over 
and  over as time allows. Finally we videotape our production with some props.  
We watch ourselves (with snacks of course) and critique ourselves. We  
discuss if we had it to do over again what would we change. The kids love it.  
really chose great vocabulary and build their fluency. 

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