I have them read that section out loud.  They begin to hear the big stops
(period) and the little pauses (commas).  I used to call it a "self"
conference.  I don't even try to explain the rules to them.  They will never
catch them all, but neither do I initially.  It's the repetition that makes
it work.

With all the reading we do and writing we model, they pick up most of their
mistakes really fast.  I also discourage the "don't worry about spelling and
punctuation" during freewrites and drafting.  I encourage them to use their
best spelling and grammar as they compose to (hopefully) avoid some of the
terror of revision.

Kimberlee Hannan
Department Chair
Sequoia Middle School
resno, California 93702

Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, let go of what you can't
change, kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give
everything, have no regrets.. Life's too short to be anything but happy.

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