I have a question for the group as I make the transition from teaching 2nd
grade to teaching fifth grade this fall.  It is "OT" (off topic) of reading
strategies, but IS a part of balanced literacy.  (I would appreciate emails
off list in response.) I knew that you all are such wonderful educators, I
couldn't dream of going somewhere else to find answers. :-)

I'm not sure how word study is going to "fit" yet into my 2 hour
reading/language arts block and I'm not sure what material to use. 
What do you all suggest?

I'm interested in Patricia Cunningham's month by month phonics (and I see
they have a newer version now,
=month+by+month+phonics&oid=736).  Has anyone used this resource?  

Sorry, I couldn't pass up the chance to ask THIS group an OT question! 

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