> I am really interested in creating a web site. Actually, I am being
> encouraged to do so. I have visited so many wonderful sites and I am curious
> as to the purpose??? Are these sites created for parent education or for
> teacher information. Some are soooo elaborated that they totally
> intimidating me. 
> Any advice?
> Hayden/AK

Hi there, 
I can give you ideas and thoughts on website-making.  First, it is a good idea 
to decide why you would would one (purposes) and how much time you (or someone 
else) have to devote to it. I have made webpages for businesses as student 
projects, webpages for my students to access documents, homework, and links, 
webpages for parents to access newsetters, pictures, homework info and grades, 
webpages for teachers as part of training where they access documents, syllabi, 
powerpoints, discussion threads and weblinks.  These are all different purposes 
and I have used different sources to make them.  I also share a web wiki with 
fellow teachers where we talk online and set up our planning and ideas for 
lesson units.  So...once you have decided what you might use a webpage for, 
then the next step is to figure out who will be updating and changing it and 
how often.  These two factors: purpose and time (plus money-I suppose--though I 
have always used free services)  pretty much help decide the complexity of the 
page and how best to proceed.

Think about what you want to use it for and email me offlist and I will be 
happy to send you to some good resources.


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