Hi Ginger,
I know these decisions are difficult to make; you always feel like you're
giving up something.  Really, what ends up happening is you gain so
much more, as a result.  I'm sure Jennifer will do a wonderful job in
your absence.  And, I hope you will continue to post on the listserv.
Take care,

Elisa Waingort
Grade 2 Spanish Bilingual
Dalhousie Elementary
Calgary, Canada

I will be taking a much needed sabbatical for a year from my role as 
overseer/moderator of the Mosaic listserv.  I am needing to cultivate and 
nurture the parts of me that I have been neglecting.  (I will continue to do 
the uploading of any files to our TEACHING TOOLS page that you would like to 
share since that is done from my computer.)

I have selected Jennifer Palmer to take over for me as moderator.  Many of 
you know of Jennifer's passion for the comprehension work we meet here to 
discuss.  I have complete confidence in her desire and ability to keep the 
vision of this listserv alive.

I am believing you all will resolve to keep your talk grounded in the 
thinking work!
Ginger Weincek
Mosaic listserv

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