This is so awesome.  True friendships hard to find. People you can  
trust and grow with. I realize as I read your words that I feel this  
way about a few authors and also about two listserv groups I have been  
with for years.  With or without your name, as you would like, I would  
certainly like to share it with my other listserv friends.  Let me  
know. I know they would love to hear you speak of their friend in such  
a loving way.
Pat K

"to be nobody but yourself -- in a world which is doing its best, night  
and day, to make you like everybody else -- means to fight the hardest  
battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting."

e.e. cummings

On Sep 1, 2007, at 11:06 PM, Beverlee Paul wrote:

> Well, I certainly cannot speak of either experience because I never  
> leave Nebraska, but . . . I cannot miss the opportunity to speak of my  
> friend, Lucy Calkins.  Lucy and I first met, so to speak, when I read  
> Lessons from a Child many years ago and our friendship deepened with  
> Living Between the Lines.  Our friendship has continued through the  
> years through her other works and I've recently met her on DVD.
> When I open a book of Lucy's, I'm transported to another time and  
> place.  She and I pull together our leather chairs and spread an old  
> well-worn down comforter over us both.  We draw up our feet so we can  
> sit Kriss-Kross Applesauce until one of us becomes so inspired that we  
> throw off the comforter to lean forward to speak our well-chosen words  
> with conviction.  We laugh a lot; we cry a little.  We affirm, we  
> argue, we articulate the thoughts we never even knew we had.  We pull  
> out our family photos.  We tell our stories late into the night.  We  
> drink hot chocolate in huge, cracked mugs and turn up James Taylor as  
> loud as we can.  Sometimes I nap a minute--and when I awake, we take  
> up right where we left off.  We share our children, almost a thousand  
> of mine now, and tens of thousands of hers.  We speak of our beliefs  
> eloquently and shout our outrage at the attempts to dumb down our  
> professional roles.  But nothing can spoil the purity of her vision  
> and we once again arrive at shared optimism and excitement for the  
> morrow.
> So, my friend Lucy, whom I will never meet, has changed my life in  
> ways few could only hope.  She's been my trusted friend and confidant  
> for years.  To quote a cheesy movie, Lucy "had me from hello" when she  
> first taught me the lessons from a child.
> How could you miss meeting Lucy?  Go.
> Bev
> Lucy Calkins is a dynamic speaker and  unbelievably talented author  
> who can
> appeal to ANYONE's mind. She is funny,  smart, experienced, and she  
> uses all of her
> life experiences and puts them  simply into teaching form. The best of  
> the
> best. If you get a chance to hear  her, she could very well change  
> your teaching
> life.
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