The teacher does not have to restrict the child to certain levels--use
teacher judgement.  It is not necessary to give trinkets.  My kids have a
broad range to choose from and they can see me for exceptions for any book
they want to read.  The teacher makes the rules--at least that is how it
works in my school.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Beverlee Paul
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2007 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] Accelerated Reader/Elaine's response

How do you avoid sending the message that the purpose of the reading is to 
take a test...when it indeed is in this case?  And, more damaging in my 
opinion, how do you avoid sending the message that reading is something so 
undesirable that you have be bribed to do it?  And how do you avoid sending 
the message that you, the child, are capable of reading different books at 
different times for different reasons with different supports, rather than 
"I'm a 3.3 to a 5.1; that's all the better I can read, and it won't help to 
pick books on snakes even though I"ve read many, many books on the subject 
and read far above the STAR when I know all about a topic, a genre, etc.  I 
can't read 7.3 books."  How can you avoid sending the message that a child 
can sometimes read books too easy, too hard, or just right when you prohibit

that?  How do you avoid sending the message that it's just fine to read a 
book without reflection in order to read it fast when your actions show the 
opposite to be true?  How do you avoid sending the message that it doesn't 
really matter what a person "chooses" to read. . . it's all just practice 

See, this is why people rarely talk about topics like AR on list serves.

 >I think what I dislike the most is that it sends the message that the
 > purpose of reading is to take a test!  UGH!!!
 > Rosie
then it's up to the teacher to teach otherwise.  again, you can have the
greatest program in the world, but if the teacher is inefficient, it won't
work.  AR, despite its faults, can be a helpful program if you use it with

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