There are two reasons why I do Reading Workshop. 

1) I know for a fact that the majority of my students DO NOT read at home. I 
also know that this means 2 things; that they are not getting enough practice 
AND they are not seeing reading as another  "activity" you might CHOOSE to do 
when you are bored or want to be entertained. This is not a good thing. If the 
only time they really read is during your reading time whole group or guided 
reading time they will NOT learn to read as quickly as if they practice. 

Practice -------> Proficiency---------->Reading for Enjoyment --------------> 
Practice...think of this as a circle. The arrow means...leads to. I have this 
posted in my room.

2)Most parents do not have the knowledge of great books, amazing authors and 
may not have the pure enthusiasm and sense of urgency about reading that we do. 
(Or may not speak English well enough to help in this area) We need to create a 
situation where our students catch our fever for reading and good books.

I love research as much as anyone else here, but this is all I need to justify 
why I have my students read for 30-40 minutes a day, create partners who share 
their books with each other, ask them to respond in writing about books, and 
time for me to read some of my favorite books and authors to them. One more 
thing, almost 9 times out of 10, when I read a book to them, there is a 
stampede to get that book from me to put in their book box. I just bought 20 
copies of Lilly's Plastic Purple Purse because ALL the students want a copy.

This is what it's all about to me.


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