I am teaching World History along with Language Arts this year, keeping the
kids two 54 minute periods.  My goal was to teach Reader's Workshop three
days a week and History/Writing Workshop two days a week.  This has been a
dismal failure.  Then I came up with the idea of alternating narrative and
expository text structures using the History standards as the topics for the
expository genres, thus staying on the same topic for a couple of weeks at a
time.  But I see there is no consistency or predictability to build on.  Has
anyone successfully combined the workshops and standards for both subject in
a logical sequence that makes sense?

In addition, our school has begun to do data teams.  This consists of a
formative test and a summative test about three times a year.  If we weren't
already testing 12-15 days per school year, I would find a use for this
because we do disassemble the tests into something we can use to plan.  We
GO OVER each and every item on the test with the kids.  At least the kids
know what they missed and why they missed it.  We choose 3 specific
standards (Focus standards) to deeply teach the kids each semester and those
change as we see where the kids have gaps.

I need feedback.  I can use picture books, strategies, the text, and or any
other useful text to teach.  I thought I could center in on the "focus"
standards specifically three days a week and stuff I see the kids need twice
a week in my mini-lessons.  By incorporating the history, I can teach the
language arts through the history.  I also would like to increase my
collection of historical fiction to persuade more kids to learn facts
embedded that way.  But short of adding another 10 hours to the day, or just
put the cot in at school, I don't know how I can plan for all of that.

Has anyone combined the standards of history and ELA?  May I see a sample of
how you pulled it off?  I am getting very discouraged.  I makes logical
sense in my head, but I can't seem to make it work on paper.


Kimberlee Hannan
Department Chair
Sequoia Middle School
Fresno, California 93702

The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.  ~Author Unknown

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