Here is my take on this question.  There is no one program that will  meet 
the needs for all of your students.  Currently, one third of my 6th  grade 
resource reading skills are struggling to decode very simple words yet  their 
comprehension is great.  Another third are great at decoding but  struggle with 
fluency and comprehension and the remaining third have some basic  skills in al 
areas but lack motivation to make great strives in reading even  though all of 
them have the potential. 
I have tried lots of programs.  Some of them include, Edmark, SRA,  Direct 
Instruction, Barnell Loft, Houghton Mifflin, Susan Barton, Reading  Counts, 
Wilson, and many, many more.  Most of tem help a certain  group of students but 
none of them help them all. 
We have to meet the needs of the individual students wherever and whatever  
they may be.  I don't believe there is a canned program around that can do  
that.  What works best for me after almost 34 years of teaching is using  
authentic texts that grade students interest and then help plug in the  gaps 
individual students.  For example, in January, we will begin a  biography unit  
starting with Lance Armstrong because I know that all my  students have schema 
for bike riding.  WE will start out using the short  text from ZB's Read for 
Real as a whole class read aloud and then we will have  word study, partner 
read, and writing to compliment this study based on the  needs of the students. 
WE will break into small groups and have students  do further research and our 
culminating activity will be a revised version of  the old game show To Tell 
The Truth where each group of students selects one  team member to be Lance 
Armstrong and one student to be on a panel of  judges.  Each team submits a 
battery of questions and the team that  produces the most authentic Lance 
will win some sort of predetermined  prizes.  But throughout the journey - 
each child has been working on his or  her particular needs using whatever 
modality is most usable for him or  her.
Canned programs are easier for the teacher but not the best avenues for  
unique individuals.  Sorry this is so long but I had to say my peace.
June SPED Resource  /  6 KY

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