Dollie had asked if Kimberly Campbell's Less is More - Using Short Text 
would be appropriate for grades 5 - 6.  I do believe it is a good resource 
for grades 5 - 6.  Although some of the texts that Kimberly recommends may 
not be on a grade 5 - 6 reading level, her scaffolding and teaching 
strategies definitely run the spectrum of probably grades  4 - 12.  Her book 
has a wealth of lesson ideas.  I teach ELL's in grades 1 - 6.  I have used 
several of her techniques with all of my grades!  After reading her book, I 
was inspired to do more scaffolding and really prepare the students for in - 
depth classroom discussion.  She breaks lessons down, so that every child 
comprehends the text and every child is ready to contribute to either small 
group or full group discussion.  Using short texts allows one to do this.  I 
was missing some steps in my own lessons.  For example:  I know many of us 
encourage post it notes to track thinking and then sharing those out. 
Kimberly might first establish a purpose and then scaffold the process by 
sharing with a partner, also through the use of her learning logs, quote and 
question, silent graffiti, carousel graffiti.  and fishbowl techniques.  I 
think MANY of the lessons and strategies in the book demonstrate good 
scaffolding strategies that provide opportunities for all students to enter 
in at their skill level and progressively grow.
One last note....  I know many of use teach the  5 paragraph essay in 
preparation for the state test.  It never donned on me to read essays with 
my class - DUH!  Kimberly provides an entire chapter on reading essay 
writing.  She provides lots of resources.  I have been on the hunt for some 
of her suggested essays and also have been searching some websites for some. 
She also has inspired me to use graphic novels!  That subject will be a 
whole other post!
Anyway.....  I do recommend her book down through grades 4 - 6. 

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