Heather, One source you might check out are the
"Little Books" from Ohio State/Fountas & Pinell.  They
cost 25cents each, are bound in nice colored card
stock with titles in English and a few in Spanish. 
With families who do not speak English, the Spanish
titles would help (at least for many of your ESOL
students.)  They have leveled books through Level D,
as well as Mother Goose rhyme books.  

We used these books to bridge kindergarten students to
first grade by mailing each child a few books each
month.  We sent Spanish titles to children whose first
language was Spanish since we knew the parents were
more likely to interact with the students then.We
obtained money from a local grant and the total cost
was about $750 for a population of 125 students.  

One other source that you might want to look into is 3
part cards which are sometimes billed as moveable
books.  The first card has a picture and label, for
example a picture of a cat and under it the word "cat"
is written.  The second card is the same picture as
the first, minus the label.  The third is the label
"cat."  There are many "games" that can be done with
these cards to encourage literacy.  I have seen
children who cannot read figure out which label went
with which card.  I personally think they are
fantastic for developing visual beginning literacy

Email me privately if you want some resources or more
information on this.  I might even be able to help you
get some in color at an affordable price.

Good luck,

Freida Hammett
3rd grade
Jackson County, Ga

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