I've always felt the two terms were interchangable (sp?). Having said that,
my suggestion is to run, don't walk, to the nearest Barnes & Noble and
purchase The Daily 5. I used it to set up my Reading Workshop this year. I
did literacy centers in K & 1 before. Now I'm in 2nd.

I continued to be amazed throughout the school year. Our last "official"
reading workshop day was last Wednesday (lots of special activities these
last few days), and they kids were just as engaged that day as they were
months ago. It is a lot of explicit teaching, modeling and practicing up
front, but when it's been taught well, and practiced, it is a thing of

The only organization and set-up I did was:
Read to Self & Read to Someone--Classroom library set-up--kids helped with
this. I actually found a couple of articles about it on Choice Literacy and
www.responsiveclassroom.org; set up book boxes (used magazine boxes)
Listen to Reading--downloaded a bunch of videos from United STreaming and
copied them onto CD for the kids to insert into the CPU; Gathered up all my
books & CDs
Word Work--I already knew what I was going to do with word study (Words
Their Way), and found materials for them to work with (WikkiStix, white
boards, magnetic letters, etc)

Since the original set-up for the above, these are the only things I've done
(this is since October for Read to Self & Someone & Word Work, and since
January for  Listen to REading:
Added books to the classroom library as I found/bought/borrowed them
Downloaded some more videos onto CD, and found out a way to burn just the
audio portion so they can be used for book/CD sets
Replenished paper for certain Word Work activities (next year, I will have
this stuff more accessible and train the kids to do this)
Added some specific word work activities (contractions, compound words,
alphabetizing, etc)

THAT'S IT! No coming in on Sunday afternoon for 2 hours to set up another
week or two worth of center activities. No checking papers. Because I can
look around and see everyone working, I know they are doing it. The only
papers I had them turn in were the contractions, etc, for assessment

I know this is long, but I'm preaching this to everyone I know!! The kids
have done so well. At the beginning of the year 9 of my 16 kids were on or
above grade level. Now there are 12 on or above! I'm thrilled.

There is a Yahoo Daily 5 listserv....

I used a lot of resources from the Daily 5 website (www.the2sisters.com) and
Jessica Meacham's website (www.jmeacham.com). I'm glad to answer any
questions--on- or offline.


On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 9:30 AM, j browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Would someone please explain to me the difference between Centers and
> Literacy Stations.
> Perhaps it's me, but I never had success with centers. I always felt they
> were too
> much work and I guess I wasn't organized enough to keep up with them.
> When our district embraced the Four Blocks framework, I was thrilled.  I
> really felt
> I had a handle on what the kids were doing at all times and knew  that they
> were fully engaged in
> each Block.  We have since moved to a more Reading and Writing workshop
> approach and
> that seems to suit our students as well.
> Now the buzz is  that we are going back to groups and Literacy
> Workstations.
> I am a little
> bit concerned.  My philosophy has been that teachers teach children and not
> centers.
> I know I can count on this list serve to help me see the light.
> Thanks for any input on this subject.
> Jean/NJ
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