Thank you for this post!!!!  If students are given choice and quality  
reading materials, length shouldn't matter.  They will be motivated  
regardless of length.

Imagine the possibilities if teachers rebelled against this testing  
insanity.  As a teacher who takes great pride in teaching children to  
love reading and writing I'm close to some sort of rebellion.  I  
fantasize about hosting a PSSA Coach book bonfire and struggle not to  
look nauseated every time we use them in class.  My test scores stink  
anyhow so I don't think it will matter much, but what will matter in  
the long run is not how many of my students scored proficient, but  
that I got kids excited about real life reading and writing.

I know I'm venting, but I'm so sick of this testing nonsense.

On Sep 12, 2008, at 10:02 AM, STEWART, L wrote:

> This says it is love of reading and writing we should be  
> teaching NOT love of a higher test score.  It is NOT all about the  
> data for me and I don't think text "length" is the critical teaching  
> point.  I think the significance of the text chosen and how it  
> relates to your students and their particular needs and interests is  
> what is of value.  Personally, I think text length is just another  
> straw they are grasping at as they continue to search for the quick  
> fix that will improve scores. In my opinion children should be  
> exposed to a variety of text - essays, poems, short stories, short  
> novels and long, etc.
>> "Love of reading and writing is not taught, it is created.
>> Love of reading and writing is not required, it is inspired.
>> Love of reading and writing is not demanded, it is exemplified.
>> Love of reading and writing, is not exacted, it is quickened.
>> Love of reading and writing is not solicited, it is activated."
>> -Russell Stauffer, 1980
> ________________________________
> Kay Kuenzl-Stenerson
> Literacy Coach
> Merrill Middle School
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