I love this idea Jennifer because we forget the obvious understanding we
have isn't always obvious to our students.  A good lesson and reminder for
us as teachers to break it down. your idea is where I will begin with my
text mapping this year. I think you are spot on!

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 9:02 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Michelle
> I have used text mapping as well and I do love it.
> I did try something different with my fifth graders last year. I decided I
> would move from beyond text features to a little more global view of how
> the
> text was organized.
> I started with the Table of Contents and picked a title and asked them to
> highlight it green. Then I asked them to skim over their scroll and
> highlight in
>  green everything that looked related to that title. What was interesting
> to
> me  was that they suddenly got an insight that the subtitle on the page
> they
> highlighted matched the table of contents! (Isn't it amazing that we take
> for
> granted that the kids understand that???) Then they noticed that the
> picture
> and  the caption were also related... They repeated the process with the
> next
> chapter. Finally, I asked them to look at each of the chapter and  sub
> titles
> and then try to determine why the author put them in that  order. The next
> thing you know, we are discussing a text structure...the kids  noticed that
>  the
> big ideas were first (Animals adapt to their  surroundings) and then
> subsequent sections told about particular  adaptations (like camouflage and
> specialized body parts such as webbed  feet.)
> Finally we were able to talk about author's craft and discussed whether or
> not the organization was effective.
> Good stuff, indeed.
> After reading Ellin's book To Understand and hearing her speak over the
> summer, I have become convinced that we need to make instruction in text
> structures more deliberate and more understandable.
> How is everyone else teaching text structure?
> Jennifer
>  In a message dated 9/17/2008 10:13:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> Just  wanted to publicly say "Thanks" to Dave Middlebrook for sharing  his
> textmapping project with everyone via his website at  www.textmapping.org.
> I wrote about it and shared some pictures of the  process on my blog  at
> http://www.classroom20.com/profiles/blog/list?user=ujmo7mw58i1a
> My  kiddos LOVED it and they will definitely remember how those  nonfiction
> features help them read and understand the text.
> -Michelle TG
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