We are beginning to post as well as a means of communication. And our  
computer specialists are in the process of  setting us up so that we can  
plug into a space on each other's computers  from  our own  computer so we can 
write lessons,keep records, and  share parts of the responsibility of writing 
report cards... There are some  kinks but this is the way we are responding to 
the issue of time and it really  makes a lot of sense.... 
In a message dated 11/19/2008 9:06:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

EXCELLENT idea! We are severely understaffed in our special ed.  department
this year. They are stretched so thin, and we have NO time to  talk with the
specialists that work in our rooms (we are full inclusion, or  are supposed
to be!).

Thanks for the  idea.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 8:18 AM, Waingort  Jimenez, Elisa <

> Hello  Everyone,
> I've searched high and low for this document, even writing  to Choice
> Literacy for their help, but I haven't been able to locate  it.  I made one
> up that provides a space for the teacher to start  the conversation and then
> the specialist to continue it.  It's  really a simple idea:  communication
> through a written  conversation since we are all so busy to stop and have
> frequent talks  about the children that we share.  I tried pasting it below
> but  of course the formatting was off.  Basically, there are four  columns.
>  The first and last columns are for the date.  The  two columns in between
> are labeled "Teacher Comments" and "Specialist  Comments".  The form then
> goes from mailbox to mailbox for each  teacher to respond or give updates.
>  Hope this helps.
>  Elisa
> Elisa Waingort
> Grade 2 Spanish Bilingual
>  Dalhousie Elementary
> Calgary,  Canada
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