Check out Debbie Miller's videos... she gets first graders to do it  
beautifully... so does Lucy Calkins... and I have seen first hand how Shelley  
Harwayne did it it my classroom.... there is something about taking your lead  
the kid rather than leading the kid... and being quick on your  take 
something they said... and make it work... all of these gurus do it  
In a message dated 12/14/2008 7:49:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I have  read a lot about reading workshop.  But I have one question that
keeps  coming up.  What mini-lessons do I teach to get my 1st graders to  talk
deeply about text? I want them to really listen to each other and  respond to
what each other is saying.  I want them to lead the  discussions and I will
just chip in when needed.  I know this takes a  lot of skill and hard work to
get them to do this. But I just don't know  how.  Are there any books out
there that focus on this aspect of  readers workshop?
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